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HomeBlogsFirm NewsLesser-Known Contributors To High Accident Rates

Lesser-Known Contributors To High Accident Rates

Vehicular accidents caused 20,000 deaths on U.S. roads in the first half of 2021. Accident safety experts are attempting to figure out if the accidents are caused solely by human error or by other contributors.

In New York, there are a wide range of factors that lead to motor vehicle accidents and fatalities, including distracted drivers, drunk-driving, bad weather conditions, and aggressive driving.

Why accident rates are going up

While the rates of auto accidents have increased in the United States, the numbers are falling in the rest of the developed world. Accident deaths in the United States increased more than 10% from 2010 to 2021.

The main blame for this increase is human error. It’s assumed that more people are speeding, cutting off other drivers, driving while distracted, and performing other reckless acts on the road. Since there could be any number of things that lead to a vehicle accident, it’s critical you contact an experienced vehicle accident lawyer.

Deciding who is to blame

However, human error is only one cause of increased car accident statistics. Blaming drivers, bicyclists, and pedestrians alone for accidents without looking elsewhere for answers is an oversight. There may be errors made by the vehicle manufacturer when designing the vehicle and the lack of safety features which cause or contribute to vehicular accidents. The companies that make hazardous cars should take some partial responsibility if their products are defective and malfunction on the road. This is especially important as more trucks, SUVs and cars are being manufactured and released to the public, especially with the more advanced technology which has been implemented into these vehicles and can lead to other malfunctions and errors .

Analyzing the causes of a crash

As the Atlantic article points out, “Seeking to find a single cause for a crash is a fundamentally flawed approach to road safety, but it underpins much of American traffic enforcement and crash prevention.” Since there are so many factors that can cause “human error” resulting in a vehicle accident, the insurance carriers and oftentimes police, look to hold someone accountable.

While most people want to focus on the obvious reasons why accidents happen, there are other factors to consider in an investigation. After a car crash, police officers and insurance investigators will attempt to uncover the cause and assign liability. It’s especially important to identify the liable party when the victim of the crash files a personal injury lawsuit.

If you or a loved one is injured in any type of car, SUV or truck accident, it’s important to speak to an experienced personal injury law firm. Depending on the specifics of the accident, you may be entitled to compensation for your injuries, to cover lost wages, medical bills, and for any significant pain and suffering or other damages. Call us today at 212-668-0100 to discuss the details of your accident.

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Were you seriously injured or have you lost a loved one in a fatal accident? We’re here to answer any of your questions and help evaluate your legal options. Schedule your free consultation today.

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