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Serious Injuries And Accidents Require
Serious Lawyers
Commuters in New York City may worry about their safety when traveling on highly congested roadways and for good reason. Statistics portray a dire picture of 2021 fatality rates from vehicle accidents, and concerns exist that things won’t get better in 2022. In a region as highly populated as the New York City metropolitan area, motor vehicle collisions are seemingly unavoidable, and negligent behavior, such as speeding, reckless and distracted driving increase crashes.
Driving in New York came with more significant risks in 2021 than the previous year. Statistics show a 16% increase in traffic fatalities during the first half of 2021 with certain roads presenting substantial hazards to drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians.
Specifically, arterial roadways in urban areas and intersections were the locations for many traffic deaths. New York might not have the worst fatality figures in the country, but the dangers are enough that drivers will benefit from being on guard. Committing moving violations in these or other locations increases the chance of an accident. Unfortunately, safe drivers cannot control the behavior of those willing to violate traffic laws.
Speeding appears to be a top reason for vehicle accidents. Unfortunately, fewer people being on the road will give those traveling a false sense of confidence about speeding. Speeding is one factor that increases the likelihood that a car crash leads to significant injuries or even death, leaving the owner of the vehicle and its driver responsible, and correctly subject to personal injury or wrongful death suit.
Other dangerous behavior, such as driving while intoxicated and distracted driving, can also cause catastrophic accidents. As the 2021 data shows, traffic collisions come with an increased chance of fatalities, so everyone present on the road needs to be vigilant, careful and mindful of all pedestrians and vehicles which are there to be seen.
If you or a loved one have been injured in a car, SUV or truck accident anywhere in New York, contact the experienced personal injury lawyers at The Law Offices of Ira M. Perlman, P.C. & Robert D. Rosen, P.C for a free and confidential consultation at 212-689-5000. You may be entitled to significant compensation if you have been seriously injured to cover all of your damages, losses including any pain and suffering and loss of enjoyment in the activities of daily living.
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